Monday 3 November 2008

classwork - Statement of intentions

Statement of intentions (draft)

My intention for the project is to create a formalist music video for the drum and bass track I made over the summer.

When in leeds with my family, I asked them to give me some idea's on what I could make my film about, here are some that i can remember.

  • The boy in the striped pyjamas (prequil)
  • Tramping (how to be a good tramp, top tramps. would of been fun but not exactly 'correct')
  • stick figure fighting / dance (i would create a track, make them dance and fight to it using a pivot program)
Those are just a few of the idea's we came up with.

The last idea was the one i decided to take through and think more about.

Yesterday, i met up with my other aunt, she has created films before and knows a lot about the animation arty side of things. I told her about my idea and we began to elaborate on it . Using a record player to project my idea on to would be fun. We then thought about a completely new idea of making a track (the drum and bass track i have already made) and then film a record player spinning around with ink and paint and any other things that would stretch with a centrifugal force. I would then record this several times with blank circles and adding different colours and objects. To then put it in time with the music i would cut it every beat(170bpm) and change between different ink spattered record players, the odd cross fade and random image should help tell a story but my idea is to create a film with as little story line as possible to create the ultimate formalist effect.

These links proved useful when thinking of an idea -
  • OSKAR FISCHINGER: and and a film inspired by him, can't remember who it is by:
  • CHUCK JONES: this film won an Oscar (in 1965?).
  • LEN LYE:
I found that Oscar Fischinger came closest to the piece i wanted to achieve and his work with music was very inspiring. I am thinking about incorporating some of his work into my final product as a tribute to his work and dedication to the area. His work of making images flow in time was very inspiring and of course i don't have the talent to do what he has done but I would like to see a relation between my work and his.

Damien Hirst's spin painting also link to what i am intending to achieve. His idea of painting a picture then using a centrifugal force to let nature create its own image was very inspiring. He is possibly one of Britain's most famous artists and work like his 'shark in formaldehyde' is globally acknowledged.

To create quite an inspiring piece of work I am not only going to be cutting from image to image 3 times a second but also create a very vague story line with the use of images and short flashes of Oscar Fischinger's work. This, I hope, will make the audience think more about what they see than what the footage itself is telling them to think.

In the coming week I will be experimenting with different lighting, colours, speeds and images to see which things will work best and how I can best achieve what I would like to do.

My short film will hopefully fall under the category of extreme formalism. This is because what I intend to create is a swirl of colours, images, objects that almost directly links to both Damien Hirst's spin paintings and Oscar Fischinger's work.

After talking to my teacher and others that wish to remain anonymous, i have decided to give my piece of art some form of story line. As my piece of music has a 40 second break down in the middle i am going to tell the listener a story. My story is a about the growth of a rose and how everything that we do to the rose affects its outcome.


Ms Flavell said...

Your statement of intentions is very clear and shows strong direction. It is exciting that you have had such a clear idea of what you want to do from so early on and are able to explore it. Your research into other texts is useful but some of the links are no longer live - don't rely on links for texts you want to be able to look up later, record titles and other useful information also.

Keep the idea of the interspersed images open and see what happens as your paint swirls develop. I look forward to seeing your experiment take shape, and hearing about the voiceover (not mentioned here?).

My name is Morgan Butterfield said...

the voice over will be up here soon :)

Ms Flavell said...

Great. I'm pleased about the developments of the story. Please elaborate on this further - will this be the voiceover? What images will you use to coordinate with this story?

Finally, the exam board advise you to think about 3 layers of sound. As well as music, they require ambient noise and Foley sounds. Can you work this into the story sequence?

My name is Morgan Butterfield said...

would i just be able to say in my written appraisal that i used foley sounds in my music?